
entitlement at its finest. "oh god no, noise! in my target, how dare little kids not have a gauge for volume or emotional security, how dare they become overwhelmed in a world they don't understand and how dare they cry when a parent is teaching them the difference between can-have and NO."

you're a class-A ass. No understanding of the world, no emotional security, no self awareness of your own annoying attributes, and probably don't even know the difference between yes and no. You are no different than the kid. And I suppose now I'm no different than you complaining about it. Circular causality saves the day again. Chill out and seek out the good vibes, you need em.
public spaces are just that; public. if you don't like what goes on there, get your whining, entitled self back home.
Racism? Check.

Misogyny? Check.

Psycho exaggeration of insignificant incident, check.

Anti-social, woman-hating poster with anger issues, check.

Good luck with your personality, chump.
"You don't have to go three miles through the Sahara Desert to get water for your family, you don't have to worry about ISIS knocking down your door to recruit your sons and kidnap your daughters." Neither do you? You don't have to loot around for valuable goods because a militia has taken hold of them or rush to feed a starving family and blah blah we get it ISIS has been busy and you like CNN. At the same time, you aren't a mom. That mother has to put up with and support her kid until they become an adult while praying that they're doing the parenting thing right. She gets to deal with that shit everyday but God forbid you're in the general vicinity of a child for TEN WHOLE MINUTES. Maybe the next time you're at a Target freaking out over kids being kids you can stop, pull your head out of your ass, and remember "wait a minute, I'm in a fucking Target! What was I expecting?" and then proceed to shove your head back into your ass before you're blinded by all the reality around you.
Thank you my fellow trolls, for fielding 99% of the exhaustive, entitled, hateful bullshit spewed here. Only three things to add: 1) He's making fun of a (probably new) employee for not knowing how to void something WHEN HE HIMSELF DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HE WANTS. 2) Who the fuck is "blaming him for getting annoyed"? The mom probably didn't even notice his little thumb-suckin, passive aggressive tantrum, certainly the child did not. Which brings us to number 3: IA, I guarantee you were the biggest, whiniest most disgusting self-entitled child in that whole fucking store. Why don't you just stay home and order your adult diapers online. Some of us have a life.

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