Anonymous Aug 31, 2016 at 4:14 pm


"Dude, so I was walking through the park, and bam! pulled out my radar gun I bought on Amazon and clocked that cop at 35!"


Ever heard of cop being first responder and having to haul ass to get somewhere? Oh and probably no lights right? Yeah, that's protocol too if they don't want the scene to be aware of units on dispatch. But fuck knowing anything about police or police tactics, we should all just assume that when a cop gets up in the morning they just want to be grade-A dicks to everybody, because that's the best career move these days with everyone hating you and all.

If there's anything we have all learned in the past decade, White Lies, it's that cops acting aggressively have certainly earned the benefit of the doubt!
I wasn't there so I'm trying to be rational about it. I understand there are some shitty cops, and I am less than stoked on our complacent police force (which really boils down to our mayor and police chief). But honestly, imo, this whole thing is just too easy. It's too easy to blast a cop on some nonsense. There is nothing logical or commonplace about the scenario presented. The OP observed (probably high as fuck I might add) from one perspective whereas this officer observed his/her 360. No one was run over, no one died, no cars crashed through a produce stand television style, it's a all BS. A cop rushed through a park which happened to have people in it and all of a sudden the officer is "aggressive." I'm surprised were not throwing out other keywords like "militarized"...hey OP, was his car "militarized" because that would make the 35 mph that much worse. Perhaps we should shut down another bridge for a night so we can prove a point to the city about cop cars driving in parks.

One additional point, I'm not even trying to say they cop wasn't driving like a loon. Maybe they got a call to rush on and that particular call in that particular setting stressed em out and perhaps they drove faster than they should in the interest of public safety. Perhaps they should have turned on the siren so people would get out of the way, but there it is, did the officer or not. That is a key piece of information left out of the story. Hmmm, slander and partial truths huh, I'm sure the OP wouldn't want to let everyone know that the cop had sirens and lights on and they only people he came close to were the dumb fucks who don't have any respect for cops so didn't move at all.

See, just too damn easy to speculate.
I/A, I think there is more to this story. Not calling fake, but maybe you left something out.

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