
Oh honey. This is adorable but not even close to how that would play out. If you're going to collect a dime of money for anyone for being too stupid to look where you're going and too passive to ask someone to move their dog, it'll be the coffee bar.

Use your words. It'll get you a lot father than your litigious day dreams, or an adorably naive belief that selfish people are going to suddenly pull their heads out of their asses and start paying attention to their surroundings.
You'd rather start a lawsuit than look where you're going and face the fact that you live in a world filled with other people and animals? People and pets are not part of your precious scenery, they are living beings that have just as much of a right to exist as you do. Move to Haiti and get yourself some real problems.
Anyone who hates animals this much has serious problems. Is this the same person as the previous IA?
Portland's pooches can stay right where they are...sleeping on the sidewalk. I would rather watch my step and go around. You sound like a complete and utter fool. ~ a little ol lady who has better things to do.

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