Because on and on you went. You texted and asked if you could call because you don't like texting. I'm not against talking. I'm for whatever works.
But when I answered your call at 5 am, I didn't know what I was in for. Again, you called because you wanted to find out more about MY problem at work. That slowly turned into YOUR problems at work. Then what YOU like about YOUR supervisor. Then about YOUR computer and download speed. Then about YOUR friend and how he stood you up. Then about a bicycle YOU found. On and on. For at least 15 min you went without me mumbling so much of an "uh uh". If you could've seen me putting the phone down and whispering "oh my god." I was even looking at myself in the window reflection and saying who's that guy going nuts and hysterical, almost on the verge of crying insanity. If you could've seen all the eye rolls and shaking of my head in disbelief of what I was being put through.
I'm not one to interrupt or try to talk over someone. I'm not one to say hey I got to go as you're telling me something because I know how that feels.
I know it's my fault but you must've finally got the message from hearing the agony in my silence.
That's why sometimes I prefer to text. Some people just can't have a normal 2 way conversation where listening is as important as talking.