Thank you so much for breaking in and robbing our store on Monday night. Our year was starting off pretty good, so thanks for leveling us out a bit. I hope that $700 bucks is used wisely, lord knows it won't cover the cost of rent. But seriously, I'm grateful, because now I am certain that humans are basically shit. Honestly nothing compares to this feeling. I hope karma exists, it probably doesn't, but I hope it does. I hope your car breaks down on the freeway- I hope your cat pisses on your favorite shirt, and shits somewhere you can't find-I hope you drop that 6 pack of beer you just bought-I hope you step in dog shit bare foot- I hope you stub your pinky toe- I hope you get a memo telling you to ensure you lock up properly, because apparently it's your fault?- Mostly I hope someone is really nice to you, so you know what genuine kindness feels like, cause trust me, retail work doesn't have it. So fuck you, fuck you very much.