Yes, hello, I am here to report a crime against humanity and it is THE SHEER WASTE at Lewis & Clark College next to the dumpster at every move in/move out opportunity- Like we moved INTO the dorms and there were 3 FUNCTIONAL MINI fridges and 2 functional microwaves in the garbage. WHY? Those work you lazy assholes! They are full of freon you lazy assholes! And this is not even scratching the surface of the SHEER NUMBER of perfectly good objects that should be ebay/craigslist hustled/donated/recycled when kids move OUT (like 50+ fridges? Infinite clothes and shampoos?). I microwave my crappy discount burrito everyday, in what you threw away! YUm fuck you!! But I can only save so many; so many small appliances will be lost to the depths of the landfill and your father's infinite wallet. Please I beg you stop or just ship it home or storage wars that shit. I know you can afford it.