They have these mugs in a few jails that have the hard rock cafe logo on them, but the label says "Hard Time" instead. Little caption that says, "between a rock and a hard place".
In Astoria, they gave us these microwave dinners for most of the meals. The huevos rancheros was not terrible. One in a while we got a egg and cheese biscuit. Some had sausage. They called them McFelons.
I know.
'not so deep musings'
Yellow jumpsuits to go with our "maximum security" classification and bottles of soap also labeled "maximum security". Mostly because I'm a pussy. But also risk level.
I had a log of all the days the let us out in the rec. area. They chained our hand to our waists, but they let is go out side. Something like 15 times and 120 days. I haven't checked my files for a while. Been busy.
I hope I find a way to provide value to my environment.
I'd be willing to go back if necessary. So far all we've done is minimize my impact on all accounts.
I hope you guys have good lives anyway. I know mine isn't as bad as it seems.
Good luck