Ever since you and your piece of shit boyfriend have moved to this neighborhood this area has gone to shit! How fucking old are you? 45? You scream on your porch all hours of the day/night and chain smoke cigarettes with your shitty fucking friends who probably just use you for free cigarettes and beer and your boyfriend probably sells everyone fucking coke! I hate you all sooo much! Your so fucking obnoxious, you talk about everyone including your neighbors, we can all hear in our houses when your on your porch! Shut the F up! All I can think about now is moving from this amazing area your shitty crew has ruined for everyone! Do use all a favor and smoke ten cigarettes at a time so you can just hurry the process so I don't have to deal with you anymore! Misery loves company so shut F up and go to bed and make give some thought toward your life and maybe you wouldn't be such a piece of shit!