Anonymous Mar 31, 2018 at 10:42 pm


Do you drive the speed limit in the left lane?
You're probably one of the dozen people I sped past, flipped off, honked at, or rode ass this weekend. If so I'm not sorry. You were either driving 25 in a 35, not turning on a red with no cars coming, or rubbernecking to the point you were entering my lane. If you want to drive like a 70 year old Sunday driver who just bought a bottom shelf eighth with no urgency to get home and smoke it because all you're going to do is watch the blazers game and Instagram all day that's your problem. I have a life, I have places to go, and if you're in my fucking way I will show no hesitation to bully you on the road. GTFO
"Willie Valley?" Is this a transplant or a native thing? I can't tell anymore.
@TMC Never heard it in my 30+ years in Portland, so I'm guessing a transplant thing. Which is confusing, because the whining about people driving "fast" is usually a native thing.

Slow and incompetent Portland drivers are the fucking worst. They think that whatever speed they choose to drive is the only speed that's "appropriate," while most of us have places to be.
Hahaha!!! "Slow and incompetent" sez you, but what do YOU know? I'm in the center lane of a 3-lane freeway, going 64 in a 50 zone AND YOU ARE STUCK ON MY ASS although you can easily move into the passing lane. THE PASSING LANE. You can use it to pass on if you want to do 70 or more, but you don't. You are so stupid that you think I will speed up if you tailgate, but I don't drive for you. I drive for me and the car in front of me. I will protect the space in front of my car so that if you strike my car from the rear, I will not strike the car in front of me. So live it up, ya bully -- I have plenty of time to get to work. PS -- I hear that West Texas is really pretty and they drive real fast in Texas. You owe it to yourself to move out of the PNW.
Oh, PS -- Was I not turning on red because there was a pedestrian there? Your frustrated honking made everyone laugh at you. Was I not pulled up tight to the intersection BECAUSE THERE IS A GREEN BIKE BOX PAINTED THERE? Tip: car drivers need to stay the fuck out of the bike lanes and bike boxes and obey "No turn on red except bikes" -- your honking changes none of this. And the speed bumps are easy for my car at 25 mph -- if you want to thwart the whole bike boulevard thing and GO REAL FAST, I guess you'll have to pass me over the double yellow centerlines. Y'know, springtime in California's Imperial Valley is not to be missed. Given California's devotion to the automobile, pedestrians or speed bumps or bike lanes are not problems there. You should check it out. Permanently.
as a transplant from chicago i get a chuckle out of rants like this. trust me, unless you've lived in chicago, new york or l.a. you have no idea what aggressive driving looks like. none. i've been here 3 years and i still can't believe that people actually slow down to make room when i merge onto a highway instead of speeding up to cut me off.
Cassie, I don't tailgate. And I pass in the left lane. And I can also fit my thoughts into one comment instead of coming back for two separate rants back-to-back like an insane moron.
Get the fuck out of the passing lane if you aren't passing.

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