The two of us came here 19 years ago at the enticement of a friend. At first, it was dicey, but we hung on and landed careers helping people and the environment, because that is what we like to do. We married, bought a home, started a family and became successful, all the while convincing ourselves that this was the best place for us. What made us decide to leave? Perhaps it was the underfunded public school system, the wildfire smoke intrusions, or the hysterical backlash against water fluoridation. It could have been the realization that racism here is far worse than where we came from. Maybe it was the nightmare of another Cascadia earthquake. All those things for sure, but the straw that broke the camel’s back was when we came to understand that Portland has little to offer culturally or intellectually. That it is a small, isolated city with few museums, theaters, libraries, galleries or institutions of higher learning. In short, we want our children to have more opportunity, and so we are leaving for a better place (and better jobs). To the present and future denizens of Portland, we wish you nothing but good luck.