Portland, isn't it like the Wizard of Oz? Over the rainbow? A place where jolly little oddball people can set up a homestead without fear of retaliation towards their way of fashion. Not that there aren't any mean or foolish people. Clearly there are many folks without a brain, or a heart, or any balls. For example take the political issue of homelessness. Some people get wound up just over the word. They prefer houseless. Ok, fine. Houseless. How much should we help them? That's the dividing line. You're either an enabler, thus brainless. Or you think it's their own fault and don't deserve one second or a single penny, thus you are heartless. Then you get the ball-less people who try to mediate and take both sides but offer no practical solutions out of fear of rejection. Meanwhile the Wizard is down in emerald City Hall manipulating us all (mwa ha haa). His followers wear rose tinted glasses that keep them under his spell. The witch is obviously conservative America and its sympathizers. They are the external antagonists of the progressive utopia we have here, whether you believe it or not. Occasionally a winged monkey minion comes flying in to wreak havoc, most likely from Kansas. And yes, we have yellow brick roads. Or more accurately, pissed covered sidewalks. Last but not least no one is from Portland so we can all say there's no place like home.