Hate unions, do you? You’re outraged that Burgerville employees have organized. You’re outraged that teachers in third-world states are actually striking over wages and working conditions.

Unions are nothing more than lobbying groups. There are lobbying groups for old people (AARP), gun owners (NRA), women ( NOW), black people (NAACP). There are even lobbying groups for animals (PETA). Where’s your outrage for these so-called special interests?
Unions are nothing more that lobbying groups for working people.
“Unions are corrupt” you bellow. Sorry, friend. That’s your granddad talking. Yes, in the days of Hoffa and Reuther and Kirkland, yeah, lots of graft. Now their only goal is (gasp!) fair wages and benefits for workers.

“Unions protect bad employees” Sorry, friend. Unions keep employers honest by requiring due process in disciplinary action. They require fair treatment of all employees, meaning you don’t get fired for being too young or old or the wrong “type” or for not sleeping with the boss. Inside secret: Unions don’t want losers any more than employers.

“Unions are socialists” Unions built this country: steel and railroads and shipyards and automobiles. And they built the middle-class; probably your parents.

Let me make it simple for you: Next time you’re flying somewhere, six miles up, maybe bouncing around in roller-coaster turbulence, would you prefer your aircraft was built by a machinist at Boeing making $30 an hour, or some slave in China making $30 a month?