Y'all are some of the worst and most entitled to be the worst drivers I have ever witness.
None of you use indicators. None of you yield properly. Most of you do rolling stops. All most none of you respect each other's surroundings, I have had more dents in my car from parking at parking lots in one year of my car being out west compared to the five years it was out in the east.
If you have a diesel engine your car most-likely can't fit in a compact spot and you are being rude and entitled to ruin traffic flow by parking a car not designed to fit.

And then there is the driving under the influence dangerously, those kind of people think life is cheap.

A larger population size is a coming and its time you learn how to drive (and actually pay for your licenses so you can learn how to drive properly rather than just being nihilistic about it). It is time to accept personal responsibility as a driver and become more aware of your surroundings and the traffic laws that apply.