I, Anonymous Jan 16, 2019 at 8:03 am



This isn't a rant about newbies. It should be directed towards locals. The dumbass public transit riders who can't hop off and back on and especially the ones who occupy a seat with a bag are for sure locals. They're not used to a crowded city and hold on to the notion "the bus is too crowded with transplants and my bag has been here longer than you". Also, people don't call out the dumbass here. It's the coddling culture of "don't demand action or you'll be perceived as mean".... Not trying to be rude, but can you please remove your fucking bag off the seat dumbass.


Every time the guy from Jersey comments, it confirms the original poster's fear that -- if left unchecked -- this kind of thing will turn this place into Jersey. Hint: Nobody here, not even the newcomers, wants that.


In the late '90s, I was a daily Tri-met bus commuter and the situation doesn't appear to have changed a bit in the interim. Unfamiliarity is not the problem and education and information are not the solution.


I agree with Felicia. Though I haven't been able to take regular public transportation in 10 years, when I was able bodied I did not own a car and walking and public transportation were my main modes of getting around, when I lived in New Jersey, I lived in Brooklyn, and I lived in Seattle. Most people suck and most people who ride public transportation are rude and inconsiderate. The only way to address the issue is to USE YOUR WORDS IN THE MOMENT! Ask people to move. Tell people you need to sit down. Tell people they need to move so an elderly or handicapped person or pregnant woman can sit down.

Once on a train to Long Island I got the train (I was disabled at this point) with my friend's 83 year old mother, who upon seeing that the entire section for disabled people was taken up by able bodied people and their children said LOUDLY "OH NO, YOU PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO MOVE!!!" and guess what, some did. Some assholes didn't and you know who the assholes were? White women who let their asshole kids remain seated instead.

Writing diatribes on IA will not change people's behavior. Passive aggression will not change people's behavior. You actually have to USE YOUR WORD in the moment. Crazy concept, I know, but that's how it works. Sighing, eye rolling, staring, and complaining under your breath (or after the fact) changes NOTHING.


As for all of the Jersey bashing that goes on here, have any of the Jersey bashers actually ever been to New Jersey? I've lived there, worked there, spent time on vacation there (LOVE the Jersey shore) and I've got to say New Jersey is awesome. It has shitty, corrupt politicians (hello Chris Christie) but so do so many other places in this country.

And despite the fears of people like Doug Fer, there is no influx of people from the east coast into Portland, so any complaints about bad behavior are going to have be addressed factually with regard to where people are moving to Portland from (top two: California and Washington). Also it is estimated more than 15% of Portland transplants are from outside the United States. And plenty of people moving to Portland move there from other places in Oregon. Go figure.

Multnomah County attracted 56,066 domestic movers from 2011 to 2015. The majority, 55 percent, came from out of the state, while the other 45 percent came from within Oregon.




^^^ I'm guessing you come from a place where Costco is the grocery store of choice.


Jersey's corrupt politicians already live here (Hi Barbara!).

Meanwhile, you don't have to come here and be an aggro asshole to get on the bus: You just get on the bus. It works the same way as NJT, except people actually thank the driver. Jersey is, once again, confusing aggression with assertion, and yelling at people on the LIRR didn't change anyone's behavior: Your mee-maw just became the newest, biggest asshole in Ronkonkoma.

"the people there are much smarter then the idiots in Portland." Yep, fuckin' GENIUSES in Jersey. The smartest person that state ever produced stole every invention he ever made from others and profited from it. Swell fella. Meanwhile, it's an entire state that can't figure out how to make a left turn without a jughandle. Keep your Jersey shore and its dirty beaches that you have to pay to use: I'll keep the Oregon coast and wait for the people who long for "back east" to graciously move back.

"It is actually very nice." And it'll likely be so once you return from Portland purgatory.


@Doug Fer using one's words to ask people to move is not being an aggressive asshole. Writing an IA telling people how to ride public transportation is the EPITOME of a passive aggressive asshole, though. And she wasn't my mee maw and she wasn't an asshole and we weren't a train to Ronkonkoma.

Hate on Jersey all you want, doesn't change my opinion about Jersey (or anyone else's either). And it doesn't change the fact that there is no influx of people from the east coast (and definitely not Jersey) moving to Portland.

And you're really going to call out Jersey for bad driving when you live in OREGON? HA! That's fucking hilarious, but okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I mean, I'm no fan of the jug handle, but at least most people in this country know how to alternate merge.

As for me, I live on the Oregon coast and I will live out the rest of my life here. I don't live in Portland. I will never live in Portland. And I don't long for my life on the east coast. I miss a few things and I miss a few people, but nothing compares to waking up by the Pacific ocean every single morning for the rest of my life. What's outside your window?

No matter how much hatred and vitriol people spew at people who have moved here from other places, it will not change them, it will not convince them to "move back to where they came from" nor will it make anyone care about why you hate them so much. Just makes those spewing the vitriol look like crazy people (see the Simpsons, old man yells at cloud). Shrug



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