Dear clueless parents at school drop-off:
Why do you insist on pulling into the exact center of a 4 car drop-off area, blocking easy access to all of the other available spots, and then sit there for 5 minutes checking your email while a growing line of cars is desperately trying to parallel park in front of and behind you on a very busy street, and other parents are resorting to double parking with hazards on and letting their kids out in traffic..?
Seriously, are you that fucking clueless, or are you just rude?
It’s just like the gas station, genius... Oh, wait, you probably wouldn’t get that reference because you’re the same idiot who fucks that one up too.
It’s really simple: pull to the very front and make space for others behind you.
Maybe you’re really the one who needs dropping for schooling.
Try thinking outside of your own little insular bubble for a change, dumbass.
That, or move back to LA.