I have read many articles lately calling Portland a ā€œhotspotā€ for measles cases just waiting to break out! Its nice to see when journalists donā€™t fan the flames of panic as I am seeing in most Portland and Vancouver area News media. I appreciate a more common sense approach. Such as in addition to vaccination, people can help prevent the spread of measles by staying home if theyā€™re sick, covering their cough or sneeze, washing hands frequently and disposing of tissues used for coughing and sneezing.ā€
I also appreciate the fact that folks donā€™t grab a pitchfork and blame unvaccinated children as vaccinated individuals are also contracting it.
I found a surprising fact out about measles vaccination rates in Oregon on the Oregon Health departmentā€™s website.
Surprisingly, the MMR vaccine coverage rates in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County are 95%-98% in K-12 children!
Across the state, overall rates across Oregon are sufficient at 94%.
Guess what? You can have your blood tested to check for titres which negates the need for boosters in already immune individuals. I am getting mine checked this week. Those born before 1957 are considered immune.
It sounds scary but people may not realize the only 3 deaths from measles in almost 20 years in the US were secondary and found in their autopsy. They were immunocompromised, with a 75 yr old man contracting it in Israel.
The CDC states that similar to the common cold, measles includes a rash and resolves within 3-5 days, complications are 1 in a million. Times like this call for some Cod Liver Oil and calm

Link to vaccination rates https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/VACCINESIMMUNIZATION/GETTINGIMMUNIZED/Documents/CtyData/WashImmData.pdf