Everyone was annoyed that you and your girlfriend cut in front of everyone at the encore. Ok, cool...whatever. It's a show; no one has assigned seats on the floor. But you two shoved your way to the very front, and were condescending to the annoyed people around you. So yeah, my friend said something to the people in front of you; she told them they handled the situation well. Somehow, beneath your boy band-inspired fedora, you heard her, and took it upon yourself to confront her and act all ghetto, asking her in your pathetic attempt to be intimidating, "you handle that all right, bitch?!"
You recall how I warned you to stay out of her face? Well that's because, unlike your 21 year old privileged ass, I *did* grew up ghetto. You can act all tough in front of your painfully obvious bi-curious girlfriend, but when I warned you, that meant you were one step away from getting your pathetic Jheri curled head slammed to the floor. (You can't even have an unironic Jheri, which insults me.)
Next time, take your pseudo aggro self, and brush up on some ettiquette. No one is impressed by the fact you can weasle your way up to the front of a stage; I certainly wasn't, but your coward ass knew you were about to be knocked the fuck out if you kept at it.
Don't be a stupid taintβ€”-respect others.