I mop as part of my job. I care about my job. I care for the quality of work I do. I care for craft. Most of you have no clue what this means as my profession is looked upon by the minds that you possess as "anyone can do it." Believe me that is false and most of you suck bull shit at doing it. There are those that say they dont care if you walk on a freshly mopped floor. Yea, some guys truly dont care because they have no aptitude for craft. Some of us will say, it's okay, just don't fall. Well, that's bullshit for some of us too. We care when you're barbarian size 13 muddy shoes walk on a freshly mopped floor. We care. We took pride in our work. And your disrespectful, selfish ass has no second thoughts for walking on it. There could be a bathroom upstairs if the floor in question is a bathroom. But your fat and lazy ass cant walk up 2 flights of stairs or take the elevator. So I hope you fall and break your hip like my grandma did. Poor grandma, RIP. But you, ill waterboard your face with my mop water.