1. Stop putting your teeth in on the bus. The bus isn’t clean. The rail you’re holding onto isn’t clean. And now your teeth and mouth aren’t clean. 2. Don’t sit on the end when people are standing then avoid eye contact so you don’t have to move over. Also, your fucking bag doesn’t deserve a seat while 90 year old Ethel stands. Remove the stick from your ass and slide over. 3. Don’t pee on the bus. 4. If someone pees on the bus don’t spray lavender scent to try to counter act the pee smell. It literally just smells like lavender pee. 5. Cover your god damn mouth when you cough. I understand you’re sick. You aren’t feeling well. It’s flu season. I don’t care, don’t spray your nasty ass sickness everywhere in a public space. Please for the love of everything stop being an asshole on the bus.