Ok what's with the fast food places I go to downtown all seem to have a fucking condiment famine enough that they ration them out to you only after asking? Though as an environmentalist I guess that is kind of good because less stupid little packets (literally like a spoonful of ketchup in a pouch) will be pathetically thrown away in consumerist BONANZA OF IDIO-FUCKING-CY alright I'm cool, not wanting to punch people's foreheads, just keeping it cool over here- but okay obviously like JUST MAKE CONDIMENTS EASILY AVAILABLE AND LIKE HAVE RECYCLBE BINS WITHout fucking lids or just... christ. I don't know. The stupid thing about it is probably there were so many irresponsible people who just made a mess with these things so like little children they had to take away something from you, you bad stupid little children, I'm ashamed of this human race sometimes I swear, just have some more imagination or something, Christ! I want SOME KETCHUP