Yet again, I am banned from Facebook for calling out bigotry. This time, I stumbled upon a thread on a friendā€™s page and encountered a father/son dipshit-duo delighting in the fact the Trump Administration are still locking children in cages. The scum in question referred to the defenseless kids as ā€œalien invaders,ā€ and those of us who decried their heartlessness as ā€œlying libs,ā€ before resorting to a memesā€”the medium of morons. I used Facebookā€™s nifty tagging feature in my response, and told them both, ā€œYour pointless pictures and incessant drivel are utterly meaningless. Crawl back in your Anti-American hole, you freedom-hating cowards.ā€ I felt fine in my response, as a love for boot-licking authoritarianism and anti-immigrant attitudes are the antithesis of what it means to be an American. And like the gutless conservatives they are, the pair of putzes reported my response, and I am now banned from Zuckerbergā€™s virtual toilet. Erstwhile, Facebook allows blazing racism and blatantly fabricated film from the highest office in the land to filter down through the mouth-breathing meme-lords who support the GOP. It truly is a total piece of shit platform, and as of now, they have one less personā€™s data to mine and sell. Props to Wm. Steven Humphrey for continuing to call out FB. If I ever meet Zuckerberg, rest assured Iā€™m gonna twist that fucking bowl-cut right off his lickspittle-scalp. Social media couldā€™ve been a force for good. Instead, itā€™s everything wrong with our world, thanks to the greed of one spurned nerd.