The first few days was instant panic and depression. Also not feeling well, runny nose, sneezing, some fatigue, and sadness because that is mostly normal, and the sickness not related to COVID? I'd been thinking about sobriety for a while. I watched a lot of movies, procrastinated on taxes, etc.I tried to do a lot of stuff that I never have time to do when I'm working 40-70 hrs per week, sometimes on my feet for 18 hr in one day. Yes, I still had time to drink. Yes, some of my work suffered. I ate and ate.
At the end of the week, I started walking early mornings to get groceries, up to 8 miles. I don't know how that compared to any given long physical work day, but it was a power walk with heavy shit on my back and on my shoulders too. But I could tell I had probably already gained 5 to 10 pounds. I had to change that.
Two to Three weeks later, I'm still eating, but trying to manage that better because I have been feeling like shit. I also think my body was detoxing from alcohol in which case more alcohol than food at times on a normal day. I'd been sleeping a lot better too.
I'm not really bored. I got a lot of shit to do at home. At least I'm not going to the grocery store. I did see a huge line at Freddie's Starbucks one store visit that I thought, fucking people are ridiculous.
I don't know what's worse, sobriety and eating and getting fat, and being inactive? Or working all the time, not taking care of myself, not sleeping well, and an imbalance of physical and mental capacities?
What are you guys up to?