The thing about social medium is, it's a chance for someone to speak THEIR mind, show something off, get something of THEIR chest, or ask for prayers, sympathy, money, thoughts, advice, opinions and all that shit. The person may or may not comment and engage in a virtual conversation. It just depends. When they do have a conversation, it will be about THEIR post. And that's just what social media has give to everyone, a chance to speak THEIR mind. It's a chance, like in real life, to talk and talk and talk, never listen and never have to HEAR anything. Because most every other post that isn't THEIRS will get ignored, scrolled through, and never heard. Just like real life. Social media is the death of any real social interaction. Oh lord, what "a big old goofy world." Side note. Rest in peace. Thank you for your beautiful songs. Remember a time when songs, words, poems, lectures were actually paid attention to rather than someone talking during a performance or engaged and live commenting on a phone of the actual performance they are currently attending!