Everything changed when the shit went down.
Personally, I terminated 1 job after 4 years, still waiting on event work to come back, and started other work. I started going grayer. I'm drinking less but smoking more pot. My physical health is functioning differently. More ailments let's just say. It's been both good and bad. Reflective introspection but also hopelessness and sadness.
Then worldly, a virus, protests, Karen's, and an election. It's all quite disarming to take in all at once.
I went walking over the Hawthorne bridge. It's scorching hot. 100s of mostly teens were jumping off the dock, into a not clean river, getting tans, and socializing. I felt sorry that this is their beach and they've known nothing else. I grew up on an island. But, no more social distancing as they were all crowded next to each other. I was thinking, we've learned nothing. Am I missing something? All this mental trauma I'm carrying then looking down at a feel good summertime party. What are the parents of these kids telling them?