

Since the DMV isn't doing testing anymore. I assume you can get a low key test with some people you are comfortable around. I'd trust a 30 year old versus a 16 any day.


You just need to get comfortable behind the wheel. Get a learners permit and have a friend take you out to some country roads where you don’t have to worry about traffic. Once you are comfortable with the basics like steering braking and parking, city driving will get easier since you’ll have more attention to devote to traffic signs, signals, and pedestrians (!!). City driving is highly complex and you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself about the failed test. Those of us who are so used to it that we think it’s “easy” are simply forgetting what it was like before our process became automatic (muscle memory). You’ll get there. Fwiw, I agree it’s a bullshit job requirement but good for you for doing what you need to to get ahead!


I am 28, and don’t have my license either. I’ve had years where I practice for a couple months, but then I get anxious and my practice dwindles before I ever build the nerve to schedule a test. I’ve been embarrassed about it most of my life, and somehow I still struggle to overcome the anxiety surrounding it. I truly thought I was alone. Thank you for posting this. We should start a support/motivation group.

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