That's what your spirit is. Prepandemic, I was content and satisfied in life. Music, Art, Work, Friends. Now November, everything has changed about my life. No music, and the inspiration for playing has subsided. But it's coming back. Art is always there, but time in the studio has become a chore. I had multiple jobs all of which I was satisfied with. Friends, funny how that one works. I lost my phone so all my contacts are gone. Guess will see who reaches out to me. I haven't seen one friend since March that I used to see a few times a week. So now I got this just a job shit going on, and I work with this one dude. Negative, hostile, egotistical, passive aggressive, you know, all those good character traits. There is love and care in him, I see it. He'll always express what he hates, rather than what he likes. It's always a complaint, devil's advocate, something that he's above. I started noticing I would say things I hate to him too. I never did that before. I also notice I don't say that to anyone else either. That kind of I'm a different person around every different person, sort of like I'm catering to their personality. I've now learned this, so I will not be reflecting his character back to him, because that is simply not me.