It's so hard to explain and connect to friends or family who are not into art/music, creative, or philosophical about the things you do or make.
But the thing is everyone, almost everyone is into music. They may not be creating it, but I bet you they could still bang on some cowbell.
I also think everything can be taken to some level of craft like cooking and even as basic as mundane daily activities like laundry, ironing, or brushing teeth. It all teaches a process that adheres to quality and efficiency.
Like here's a song I'm excited about. "Oh, I always like your singing." Well, I'm not technically singing as say a "Voice" contestant. If anything, I'm more playing an instrument. You know, it's never a comment on what I'm looking for. Like words are big for writers, so when there isn't some comment about that, or "I like that line," it's almost as if, did you ever listen to the words? Kinda like a friend just told me, he sent a bunch of things he created or bought to his sister to only find out she threw them away. And of course, I won't preface it with "please listen to the words" because it's contrived for one, but the point is to listen. Though I guess music can be listening to the melody and instrumentation rather than the words too.
Or with skilled trades like Printmaking, Ceramics, Glass, Metal work, there is a loss of understanding of what is really technically involved in these processes that is completely underappreciated when someone might look at the result in front of them.
Or the fact that there isn't even an attempt to understand how something is made and the process.
It's really just discarded. It's really just sad.