Say what you will about the Covid-19 lockdown, it’s made the Christmas season a lot more bearable. 1) Instead of working my ass off to hit our clients’ unreasonable holiday deadlines, half of our clients are out of business! Bye boy! 2) I don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to fly my family to see racist relatives who we despise. 3) Instead of spending hours baking and delivering packages of cookies, and addressing holiday cards to our friends, a simple email or text will suffice. 4) No driving to the Target in the bowels of Beaverton to hopefully get the last Baby Yoda in stock, only to be told, “Oh… I guess the website was wrong about that.” Sorry, kid, but this year, you get what you get. 5) No Peacock Lane. 6) No Trumpy religious freaks complaining about this year’s Starbucks Christmas cup. And 6) no drunken office holiday parties that turn out to be a celebration of sexual harassment. For once, Christmas is truly a “silent night.” And if you ask me, it’s about goddam time.