I, Anonymous Jan 28, 2021 at 11:44 am



You're asking the right questions. American conflict predates our very first colonies, and we've added new conflicts as we've grown. It is arrogance that leads us to believe "our way" is the "American way" - or that only "we" are patriots. Unfortunately arrogance defines humanity.

The more history you read or study, the more you'll learn that today's conflict started yesterday, yesterday's conflict started the day before, and so on ad infinitum.

There are those of us that believe that as humanity improves we each improve in turn. Others believe that only the fittest survive, and they take whatever steps are necessary to ensure their prodigy are the "survivors."

It is an American myth that we create a better world for our children than we inherited from our parents. If it was ever true, it isn't true anymore. Our global climate, national economy, and interpersonal conflicts are burdening future generations and we fight over small inconveniences like wearing a mask.

I'm sorry for the world older generations are leaving you, and while you may not be able to leave a perfect world for future generations, I hope your generation at least stops the decline.

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