I don't have social media so this is one place I want to post this. Several years ago Amazon acted like it was innovative of them to open brick-and-mortar bookstores and patted themselves on the back about it. Now, Amazon is allegedly planning on opening their own pharmacies, to probably profit off of the broken American healthcare system. This company has a litany of bad behavior: it doesn't want its workers to unionize, acts like a monopoly, mistreats its warehouse and delivery workers and expects them to work like robots or machines, inflates prices, sells shoddily-made, third rate crap, peddles misinformation and promotes conspiracy theories in its recommended books lists, sold Wikipedia content as books, USES FORCED LABOR FROM UIGHUR MUSLIMS IN CHINA, the list goes on. This company, owned by the wealthiest man on the planet, doesn't need your money or my money. Please boycott Amazon and delete your Amazon account, if you care about climate change, human rights, workers' rights, and small businesses. The "convenience" of Amazon is built on the backs of everyone this company mistreats. If you have social media, please spread the word.