This has gone too far.

You are abusing the purpose of our group. I saw what you did when someone spoke out about you. That was out of line and the only thing you accomplished is robbing yourself of others who are looking out for you and trying to support you through this process.

You have a responsibility to yourself to push through this. You have a responsibility to your family to make sure you are able to continue providing for them. You have a responsibility to the community to hold yourself to a higher standard. You have a responsibility to us brothers to not to drag us into your bullshit and ask us to back up your terrible calls.

If you won’t be talk about it with us face to face, let’s talk about it here.

We won’t break our oaths or our promises to you, but that doesn’t mean you can hide what you are doing and how you are breaking yours forever.

Don’t put us in a position where we have to choose between protecting you and protecting our community.

You can find a way through this, we are here to support you where we can.

Keep coming back. It works if you work it.