I mean what a tool.

I'm not saying he's never mentioned any valid news stories, but come on this useful idiot of an "news entertainer" clearly has his own agenda (or the agenda of corrupt "friends") he consistently distorts the facts to push forward. He consistently features the same sad pathetic stock characters over and over again to validate and recite their lies together.
Forget morality and ethics, thanks to Michael Cohen we know this "new personality" has no serious commitment to uncovering the truth and is only motivated to collect his check and do PR for his friends. That's right, Michael Cohen dished all the dirt about Hannity and his financial connections to the coup plotters he was contacting and then lying for on January 6th.

Have you seen how Laura Ingraham has started distancing herself from him? I mean seriously, how messed up do you have to be for Laura Ingraham's TV character to think you are toxic?

Willfully ignoring objective facts to provide media cover for yourself and those you have a financial relationship with isn't journalism by any standard, it's not even good TV.

What kind of people even behave like this?