I, Anonymous Jan 17, 2022 at 7:58 pm



"if you want to get through me, you're going to have to go through them first"

I think negligence is going to be hard to prove. We are talking about highly skilled law enforcement and legal professionals with years of experience on that specific issue and topic. When you consider how smart these people are, it's much easier to believe this was simply another form of weaponization of these skillsets rather than some freak accident. These people knew what they were doing and how to do it. It will be interesting to review how they explain the most interesting quirks of their own documentation.

They might try to claim these ingenious legal, and law enforcement professionals were somehow tricked into committing crimes, but come on, who's going to buy that story?

We can see how they are defensively positioning themselves now. Strategically moving behind others in the community that could probably be more accurately described as leveraging community members more vulnerable than themselves as a type of shielding to protect them from accountability. This is precisely where their true loyalty and narcissism are revealed. And how it's already been contrasted.

You see, by communicating the idea that "if you want to get through me, you're going to have to go through them first," they are putting their actual values on full display. It shows that whatever actions they've taken in the past that the community may have benefitted from may have actually been inspired by ulterior motives.

It reveals they view members of our communities as pawns to manipulate to their benefit. Weaponizing them against whatever cause they feel can excite them into action.

Take the police, for example; everyone knows the sunshine division is a PR play. If they had any actual interest in helping others, they would be providing people with the education and resources to achieve for themselves. Instead, the sunshine division and other similar organizations try to instill a sense of co-dependence with the community.

They leverage the pains of the most vulnerable for their own photo and social ops.

They never help people in secret. It's all transactional. It's all a performance.

And that's where it gets fascinating.

These people are functionally compulsive performers, and more than a few of them have figured out what their next act will be about. Moreover, their private and intimate performances have been impressive. It's clear their so-called sense of "solidarity" only applies when it benefits them personally, and they aren't looking at serious prison time. Cops singing about other cops. Co-worker singing about other co-workers. Lawyers singing about clients. Partners singing about other partners. Wives singing about their husbands.

There in the best selling show.


Well, obviously, people with children should never be held accountable for their crimes against the community and others. What kind of example would that set?

Real men hide behind women and children. That’s where we get the phrase “women and children first.”


@1 Tovarich is that you?


The most embarassing part is they are selling out their values and ethics for not even that much money. I think it's mostly about fear and intimidation.

Basically if you can establish a financial relationship with Law Enforcement (including District Attorneys and Assistant US Attorneys) through political campaigns, you get a functional immunity from participating in politically motivated organized crimes.

And if you play your cards right, you might even be able to weaponize law enforcement against those you feel are a threat to your brand and business.

So now we have Local and Federal Law Enforcement participating in Organized Crimes that benefit specific actors with direct and indirect ties to a country trying to start WWIII. Luckily, there aren't any big national news stories about sedition or corruption, that could trigger public sentiment turning against the maintenance of such overt corruption.

I mean, does anyone really believe that this was part of some multi-pronged sting operation that started treading circa 2015? For something like that, we'd need at least a few Russians actually feeding us information and cooperating with us on the project. May be even helping with documentation about the locals they collaborate with. But that's a silly idea, why would Russia ever want to embarass the american law enforcement, legal, and political system?

I mean, who wears a wire to conversations with their political consultancy and what kind of freak would ever even notice such a thing and stay quiet about it?

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