You forget your place. It’s amazing how you all will do anything to avoid your actual responsibilities.

Why does the government insist on inserting itself into our private lives? Do we really need government workers butting their heads into our family dynamics and personal relationships?

It’s clear you people have no understanding of the concept of boundaries and consent.

I’m not saying I’m not impressed, I’m saying you all really haven’t learned anything have you. You children really can’t help yourselves can you?

I’m sure if the government was a bit more focused on resolving crime or eliminating hunger and homelessness rather than trading gossip, we’d all be in a much healthier place.

Have any of you ever tried doing the job you are paid to do? Or at least learn from your past mistakes?

I understand your habit of staring at your feet to make sure no one trips you up again, but in doing so you aren’t paying attention to where this path is leading you to.