I, Anonymous Apr 21, 2022 at 3:51 pm



A lot of people moved here during Covid as well and have never experienced what riding Trimet's like at full capacity, the etiquette that everyone follows. Although I'm sure people will get the idea as the old methods of enforcement come back into play: sitting on other peoples belongings when they hog an empty seat for example etc.. It'll get ugly :)


"... the pandemic brought out
everyone's realization that
noone wants to sit next
to each other.

It also brought out how shitty
human nature truly is."

yeah I'd hesitate to blame
a wee stupid little Virus

typically any National
Catastrophe brings
us (virtually) to-

we can place ALL of the Blame
where it more Properly resides: at
the fetid feet of The donald j* trump
FOX and the Entire far far Reich Wing

and the Billionaires
who Rule them

oh and US.

*the J is for
Genius, dummy



Why We Can’t Get Our
Story of Covid Straight

One problem is that we have neither a shared language nor a shared understanding of what we’ve just been through.

The story is diffuse, the heroism scattered among thousands of doctors and nurses and medical workers, the pain and sacrifice dispersed among neighbors and victims and volunteers.

The bad guys are neither monsters nor demons but the vagaries of biology and the long-held habits of tribalism that have left us angry or indifferent.

For most of us there were no grand metaphorical or metaphysical lessons learned. Has narrative at long last deserted us?

by Frederick Kaufman
Mr. Kaufman is a journalist and narratologist whose most recent book, “The Money Plot: A History of Currency’s Power to Enchant, Control, and Manipulate,” dissects the story of money.

Tonnes more at:


The pandemic isn’t over. In my experience most people choose to stand. Also I prefer the aisle seat. You are welcome to sit by me but you gotta take the window, bud.


Air's Freshest
in First Class

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