Dear Friend,

I hope you are well. The progress on covid is encouraging, but I don't yet feel completely comfortable throwing caution to the wind and letting our guard down. Yes, it's true, things are clearing up faster than expected but as you know I live with someone immunocompromised so it's important for me to be extra-considerate when it comes to following the health guidelines and maintaining a serious outlook on the pandemic.

I would love to see you again once things seem more adequately managed and under reasonable control. It feels like forever since we've connected or even had the chance to chat over lunch or coffee. Let's make an effort to chat with each other over the phone or check in with each other via text more. I know we've had some extra difficulties and anxieties to manage on top the pandemic, so I'll be mindful of that and not overwhelm you if you take longer than expected to reply. I don't do social media, but you are welcome to send me your life updates via sms or email. I'd be super excited to hear from you.

I know we are both busy and have fallen into our pandemic ruts, but as things are looking up more and more each day, I want to make sure that we both know itself to step out a bit more, get out of our comfort zone, and maybe even start dreaming up some new adventures together.

I know we were never exactly the best of friends, but I do think you are a pretty admirable person and would appreciate having someone like you in my life.

What are you doing Saturday?