We are beyond double standards in our society.

We now are subject to a secret and selective tightly control imaginary algorithm whose purpose is to manufacture arbitrary standards to enforce against anyone who threatens the status quo.

It's not enough to be smart. It's not enough to be a hard worker. It's not enough to be an upstander. If you aren't born into the club or willing to swear fealty to the unelected elite, then you will be dealt with.

It's all done right in front of us:

Everyone deserves a due process and fair trial. (Unless they are with the other team then LOCK HER UP)
There's no excuse for this type of political violence. (Except when we want to stage a coup against democracy.)
All "life" is sacred and deserves protection. (Until it's born.)
We believe in small government. (That can tell you what to do and when to do it if we are in power).
We believe in freedom for everyone (who agrees with us and never dissents.)


How much longer are we going to tolerate this utter bullshit?

They aren't even good liars.