The Oregonians vs. the world crap is getting old. I wish Native Americans would've told your families to fuck off when they came here (however long ago it may have been) with their whole "Manifest Destiny" bullshit. Do you think they liked the fact that all these stupid white people with no sense of culture ran up into their shit, started wasting all of their precious resources (salmon, timber, etc.), procreated like lemmings because "god" told them to have as many children as possible so they could take over the world, and then turned around and stabbed the Native Americans in the back, took their land, and forced them into near extinction? "I'm superior because I'm from Oregon and everyone else is stupid, arrogant, and ruining my state." What a load of BS. Why don't you go back to where you really came from? I moved here just like you or your family did at one point, which gives me every bit of right to be here as much as you—you fucking hypocrites. If you want closed borders, move your ass to Cuba.—Anonymous