Anonymous May 4, 2013 at 9:16 am


How much did you tip him?

Are you still wondering why you couldn't find 'the truth' on the web?

Do you still believe that 'random foreigners' are more likely to try to rip you off than natives?
Well, there was this case recently; I found the daughter's obit and it mentions two children but not a husband, so I'm guessing she was divorced.…

that aside, cab drivers are usually pretty interesting to chat with. especially if you talk cab politics.
4… I knew Bill a long time ago, nice guy. This is sad any way you look at it.
I dunno, you sound like a real joy to get to know and hang out with (unless, of course, you're a "random foreigner" who is likely trying to "rip you off").
First step would have been to jot down his name. Doesn't he have to display his cabbie's license, or is that only in New York?

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