
He's still bummed about no more Chalupas.
Methinks $9 "beers" have something to do the aforementioned lack of tippage.
Youthinks the bartender sets the price of beer?
Yeah, I'll admit it. I hate tipping on beers at Blazers/Timbers games. The prices are outrageous!!!

But, I will leave a buck every 2nd or 3rd beer. The non-tipper in question is definitely a douchmonster!!!!
There is no reason to pay a tip when you are already paying double what something is worse, the employee should talk to his employer about getting a bigger chunk of the massive profit margin, but don't bug me about how you should be tipped for counter service while you are price gouging.
At the same time, if you have the scratch to both go to every Blazer game and spend about forty bucks on beer at every one, you can probably afford an extra fiver each time out.
I work in the food/bev industry and I think it's pretty shitty, and a Portland thing, to be personally offended if you're not tipped. It's bullshit. You can lecture me about how little bartenders make (I know this personally), but to assume you'll make bank off tips is narcissistic. Thus your rant of the decline of humanity, blah blah blah, is nauseating. Not every service deserves a tip. Period. I'm so over entitled servers. Get out of the bizz if you can't handle having someone pay a bill without tipping you.
I'm a generous tipper at my neighborhood bars, but do I give a fuck about the faceless Aramark / Sysco robot pouring overpriced beers at a major sporting event? No. I stood in line, told you what I wanted and you pulled a lever for me. WOW! Such incredible customer service, right?

Chances are, the only place I'll ever cross paths with you again is at the end of the Moda Center beer line. We're not going to hang out again in a day or two and make chit chat. You're not going to buy me a shot on my birthday and make sure I get a cab home at the end of the night. You're just some dick slinging beers at a Blazers game, and you're making well over minimum wage judging by that already-overflowing tip jar. Get real.
@ HayleysFreakinComment

It's nice to hear that. I have mostly been a lifelong good tipper, especially as I had quite a bit more money in the not so distant past. I used to generally tip in the 30% region or always tip a dollar for every drink at bars and coffee shops. I wasn't looking for some gracious outpouring of warmth or a long conversation but at least a little recognition of being a regular and some customer service is nice. These days it seems like people feel entitled to a 25% tip for the easiest service industry jobs when they have a large tip jar packed to the gills and they still want to treat you like you are wasting their time.
"300 level" and "entitled" don't belong in the same sentence.
I am hearing the people in the industry on this site, say" if you don't like the business get out". I think the tipping is for them to decide if they are cool with it.

When this subject of tipping keeps coming up alot, maybe you need a Union. I know very unpopular in the Northwest, but I love the Union I had for fare wages. Of course, businesses hate them. Go figure.
Here's a tip...

Try working in the service industry in an area without a $9/hr minimum wage. I can deal with those complaints, not these spoiled little brats here in PDX.

There's a reason they say a server job should be enough to put food on your kid's plate. They never said you should be able to own a home and drive a BMW for slinging some food/drinks.
The federal minimum wage is STILL $2.13 /hr for tipped employees and that's what a lot of southern states will let employers pay you. Bartenders and servers in Oregon are lucky that they earn the full minimum wage-- we're one of only seven states to require that:

And yet the entitled attitude continues. Saying "Welcome to Subway" and "Would you like that toasted?" is part of the job, fuckwads.
If you can afford to buy a beer at a blazer game, you can afford a one dollar tip.
Tips are for above-the-average service. Blazer concession workers are not typically giving that. Very few do.
Rick's right. At gouge centers like sports arenas or high-profile (tongue-in-cheek) clubs every third drink an extra buck and if your teams doing great or the club's entertainment is especially good maybe a little more or more often, but I don't feel obligated to slap down an extra whatever each time when I'm getting clipped and if the bartender or server doesn't like it, then hate me, I won't lose any sleep.
I guess he's just blaze.
The service person should be mad at the industry for not paying more of a base salary to their bartenders and servers. I know the owner's margins are sometimes slim, but servers work their asses off.

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