Anonymous May 19, 2015 at 8:56 am


Reminds me of a few years back. I came across an old dude picking up dog doo in FP with a couple of sticks. He was carrying his finds to a mud puddle rut on the trail and dropping them in. "It's for the goddamned bikers!"
Poo? Beside the trail?
Yes, it's wack.
But so is
so is
so is
talking smack.
He called the shit "poo."
I do not pick up my dog's shit. Once it leaves his butthole it's in God's hands.
If I had a choice I'd read a dog turd and bag up your poetry and throw it in the trash.
Should have saved it smeared it under some car door handles
I like to stir the pot and cause neighborhood scandals
This is the worst. I'm a dog owner and I'll pick up the poo bags left behind by asshole owners and toss them in the trash.

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