
I find nothing funny in your post at all. Twisted sense of humor, man.
God speed
I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home to my little girl's birthday party and if everyone will just stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt.
Did they steal your Precious?!
- hmmm; you found no humor in my heartbreak. you must be new here.

- the police put a case number on my report, & it wasn't seen again until i downloaded a request form & PAID for a copy. the hospital security repeatedly needed details refreshed, as "this happens all the time". in a private, attended, validation-required garage. with surveillance. perhaps security isn't really his calling. investigation & legal research has been left to my own devices, so procedural differences in dispensation are also to be expected. particularly in the groinal region.

- my personal vehicle is also my work vehicle. i do cleaning/hauling/yard work/pet care, & am a part-time educator. what was stolen was my livelihood.

- 2 ribs which were broken in the past will pop out of place with various combinations of movement & exertion, difficult to avoid while doing hard physical labor. it's indescribably painful, second only to the excruciation of having them jammed back into place & packed in ice.

- my husband had the unmitigated gall to have a sudden heart attack, so i'm the kind of moron who chose to drive to the nearest emergency room rather than go the 15 miles back home to unload my van first. and of course being that sort of moron, not a thing entered my mind for next 4 days other than the blood-draining possibility of impending widowhood.

Portland ... so unencumbered by empathy, compassion, understanding, & the ability to pass on the freaking left. you must be so proud.
Cindi, Don't know if you believe in this sort of shit but I "Ommed" for you yesterday and again this morning.
Cindi, i'm going to ask a question and i hope you can be honest here so we can get past this-

Were you the hater who disliked my comment?
"Before setting out on a path of revenge, first dig two graves." --Kwai Chang Caine

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