I, Anonymous Oct 1, 2015 at 4:20 pm

A Zero's Welcome


I will never understand people who live in a city, in an apartment complex, who cannot tolerate the occasional sounds of human beings conducting their lives around themโ€”even if it is sometimes inconvenient. If they demand an insular ivory tower existence, they should either move to the country or the suburbs.
Inviting people doesn't give you free rein to be loud. That said, their reaction was pretty passive-aggressive.
I think an invitation can also, in a civil society be an invitation to express concerns, if you're too timid/passive aggressive to do that, then consider; moving to a nice quiet place(suburb, country, as above), is therapy(to align your need to live in a city with your hate for doing so), or maybe suicide (always an option, just saying).
1. Reassemble invitation.
2. Amend to say "fuck you."
3. Redeliver.
I'm glad I don't live in your building. People who leave notes bitching about shit are just fucking pathetic. If you can't say it directly, then shut the fuck up.
^ oh, the irony.
I'm confused as to why this is even remotely interesting enough to be an I, Anon. Portland Mercury, you have reached the age of "You really fucking suck" and "You are fucking boring as fuck". What are you run by yuppies now? Fuck you, you little lapdogs.

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