Anonymous Jan 21, 2016 at 3:34 pm


You sound like you work really hard.
You can order federal tax forms by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-3676. The most common federal forms (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ) will be available at the library soon. You can also get them at the IRS's office in downtown Portland (1220 SW Third Ave, Portland, OR 97204), but you may have to go through a security check.

You can order Oregon state forms by calling the Oregon Department of Revenue at 1-800-356-4222. The forms will also be available soon at their Portland office (800 NE Oregon St, Suite 505, Portland, OR 97232). The library does not get state forms any more.
But albert, how can I write off my soil, fixtures, and electric bill?
Is it really that hard to do the form EZ?
You can use the computers at the Multnomah County libraries for free. Of course, you get booted off after an hour, but I guess it is an option.
e. you don't sound like a prophet.
Reflex condescension for reasonably bitter person
The computer's not the expensive part. You can get a decent Dell Optiplex for $50 on Craigslist, it's not exactly a luxury item anymore. It's the cost of internet access that's the real problem. Printing stuff just to scan it back again is dumb anyway.
#Bernie4Lunch (which is what the GOP will have if he gets the nomination)
^ I could be in denial Todd, but with as popular as Sanders is among the Dems, he'd get every last vote from Democrats in the general election if Hillary is defeated in the primaries. The fools that would vote for Trump now, will vote for him later anyway.

At that point, anyone on the fence would need to decide who's crazier, Trump or Sanders? It's still a no-brainer, or at least it would seem so.
Trayvon, here's a not-implausible scenario. The GOP leadership, by hook or by crook, gives the nomination to a "moderate" like Cruz, Bush, or Christie. With mass amounts of corporate cash, they bury the swing states in TV ads that go something like this: socialist socialist socialist SOCIALIST!!! SOCIALIST!!!

The Republican candidate a few electoral collage votes, or a lot, doesn't matter. Mr. "Moderate" appoints a couple of Supreme Court justices. Game over. 6-3 right-wing majority, or worse. 20 years of terrible, horrible, no good, very bad court decisions. Progressive Obama years just a fading memory.

But if the Democratic Party can hold the White House for another term or two, the GOP may well split in half. They may not get another president seated for the foreseeable future. And we might get a progressive majority on the high court.

So, yes, I think you're in denial. We're on a knife's-edge with the Supreme Court, and there's far too much at stake to take the huge chance of backing Sanders over Clinton. To me, that's the no-brainer.
Well Todd, I may be in denial, but I am able stay on topic. I was referring to a Trump candidacy first of all.

Now if you're going to change the scenario to what you've described above, then it's a whole different ball game. It sounds a bit conspiracy theory oriented to me, but anything is possible in today's political climate.

However, I do find it highly implausible that the Republican establishment decided they should let Trump further bastardize an already bastardized party while Hillary and Bernie fight it out to the end in hopes that Sanders squeaks by in the primaries. From there, what, they just ask Trump to quietly step aside so they can hold the office that megalomaniacal jackass has coveted all this time?

Again, stranger things have happened. But, if your worries about the Supreme Court are legit, why hasn't it happened already? You've already espoused how corrupt the system is, so what's prevented your nightmare scenario from coming to fruition already?

In a Trump Vs. Sanders election, if Sanders can't beat him, he shouldn't even be running for dogcatcher.

If Sanders beats Clinton, and Trump magically fades away in time for a Bush run, the system is rigged beyond repair anyway. Cruz and Christie have no shot. You can go ahead and bank on that.

I'm just not a fan of support Hillary because she's the only one who can win mentality. That's not how Obama got elected, and that's not necessary for either Bernie or Hillary to defeat whoever comes out of the Republican primaries.
You guys are why I can't watch Portlandia. It hurts too much.
"...if your worries about the Supreme Court are legit, why hasn't it happened already?"

Ah...because we had a Democratic president in the White House for the last two Supreme Court picks?

Anyway, if you've decided it's safe to vote for Bernie because Trump will be the nominee, that's not a done deal. And if the scary Donald *is* the GOP nominee, I'd rather see him wiped out in a landslide by Hillary than have Bernie squeak the Electoral College.

I'm guessing that most Sanders supporters think he can win just because they really want him to win.

The Republicans really want Sanders to win, too. So they have a shot at the White House and a Supreme Court lock.
Surprisingly, Bernie is well received in the rest of this great big world we live in. But no, it's all about politics,

I completely respect your perspective on the upcoming election. Conventional thought on national politics definitely supports your Hillary vs. whatever GOP nominee she faces claim.

No SCOTUS nominations in the last 8 years is simply happenstance. A SC justice will likely step down in the next 4 years, so that is certainly a concern. I just don't have the same doomsday attitude if Sanders is the democratic nominee.

Frankly, if Hillary is elected, big business and the military still win. As the disparity of wealth continues to shift in the wrong direction under a Clinton presidency, as I know it will, the bottom 70-80% of the country will have larger concerns than that of a more conservative Supreme Court.

But then again, the machine would likely grind down Sanders as it does every president. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
What just happened?
Todd is correct.
Much as Bernie might be a lovable old coot, the Republicans can beat him.
High time for a woman President anyway.

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