Anonymous Feb 10, 2016 at 12:28 pm


You know you're talking about KIDS right? Fucking "silver platter generation." You had everything handed to you and now you want the bus ride to be a fucking cruise ship. Learn to love it. You're not the only person on the bus with a bad back you know.... Going for a walk now... I've been sitting to long at my desk job..... maybe I'll get a frappuccino....with mocha sauce! O boy!
What's that part about the teddy bear again?
Maybe try working from home.

Bonus: you can fuck your service teddy bear on your lunch break.
Try to have some empathy. I am fairly certain that the generation prior to you complained about your attire, your choice in music, and your work ethic, as well as your manners. So shall it always be.
People who suffer social anxiety should probably wear ribbons signifying their specific affliction (antisocial dogs do). Then some celebrity can do their court-appointed community service by recording some PSAs informing the non-afflicted how to decipher the color coding. And the world will be a better place. For you.
^FYI, this is very smart solution to the Ranter's complaint. I wish I had thought of that.
It may start a fashion trend.
Either you're a troll or you don't understand irony- you're the type of right cunt nobody wants on the bus because you think it's your private transport. Who gives a fuck how shitty kids can be? That's old hat, my friend. Think about the next time you board a busy bus, how many people already standing or seated wonder how fucking lazy you must be to want a ride to a place you could easily walk to.

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