Yes, you luuuuuuuuuv Portland. You even bought the sticker of the outline of the state of Oregon w the little green heart over Portland and slapped it on your left-rear windshield. You can't stop talking about Portland. It's so hip! And kooky! And so much cheaper than California! and bla bla Salt & Straw bla bla bla foodcarts bla bla beer and coffee bla bla bla
But see, here's the thing: That window sticker doesn't do us any good here. Nor do your frikking California license plates. If you "love" PDX so much then do us a favor: GET YOUR CAR REGISTERED. Our community could use the measly 100 tax dollars you're too cheap and selfish to spend on this place you claim to love so much. How 'bout helping us pay for the increased road maintenance, policing,firefighters and other state and city services that we find ourselves needing to handle the influx of people like you?? Register your damn car.