
Um, and precision castparts littering of neuro toxins is....
I/anonie, If a company or business has to be regulated they should abide by the rules. It is nice to be in a state that acts to protect the environment, imagine living really close to Bullseye. I guess some people say it is no big deal, but if I lived near there, I would be upset too. I love the people in Oregon that are so cool, they grow vegetable, and flower beds in their back yards. Then they share there bounty with friends,family and those in need. Tell your opinions to them. I am sure nice people work there, but this smoke stack is dangerous. Thanks to the Merc for breaking the story. Bullseye will want to correct this, they have the money. Do it right and it will help the local environment so much. I see no problem asking them to buckle up. They make glass, but your lungs are more important.
^STM, I cannot add anything else, except to say this I/Anonie must be in la la land. I/Anonie is so out of touch. Is it that hard to understand the guys polluting these beautiful Portland areas, are just going to have to spend some money on fixing the problem. You are killing people, you have made enough profits. Now open your wallets and let the moths out.
Make no mistake, air quality is the new "WiFi radiation is cooking our children!"

The fact that inner SE is right next to a big 'ol industrial district was somehow lost on the organic-grocery-lovin', aspirationally-car-free, holistic-Montessori-preschool crowd, is quite amusing to me. They showed up late, paid way too much to live near the fair trade craft boutiques and culturally-appropriated white-guy-chef fusion restaurants, double-checking the area for WalkScores and bike routes, yet remained completely oblivious to the industrial operations a few blocks away, lololol.

But it had that desirable close-in address! And craftsman charm! "Life will be perfect once we get to Portland! It's a magical wonderland of progressive eco-crafters! No more rat race, no more conservatives, just people who think and live and act and look like us!"

If your entire identity is built on a shaky foundation of feel-good lifestyle magazine ideology and pseudo-spiritual woo, well of course you're paranoid that there's invisible toxins everywhere and ANY amount of them is too much for your free-range organic no-discipline child. Your only hope is to go fully "off the grid" and live in a tiny house ("OMG we're such minimalists!") in the woods where everything is "natural" and "pure". What are you waiting for?
@ Chunty McHutchence: possibly the most intelligent post i've ever read here.
@Ears of Hell: thanks, but the gobs of allergy medication I'm currently on deserves most of the credit
All the "artisans" I know have been dying from radon poisoning forever now anyway. Suck it up Portland. You're a real big city now. Don't you drink bong water for breakfast?
Well, maybe don't take *too* deep of a breath.

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