Anonymous Mar 7, 2016 at 11:20 am


I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, to say that Mike Scheckla is funnier than a barrel full of monkey nuts.
^ You wrote it, so you can comment (blather) any time you feel like it.
If I were to have written it, then I would have to ask you, Trayvon, to answer the question.
I'll do no such thing Dread.
Why are you telling me this, Trayvon; have I even asked you to?
I'm completely powerless against your mind games Dread. You're like a Jedi or something. More like a deranged Jawa or Ewok.
Dread, wasn't it he who started all this nonsense about writing in Mike Scheckla for Governor of Orygun and Mayor of Portland, to begin with? Not that you don't dread me too, of course, Trayvon, that's fine. You can't hurt my feelings. Just because you don't have any, doesn't mean you might not hurt somebody's though. Not to make you feel bad, or anything. Tell you what. No hard feelings. Go on over to Sandy Hut, order a double Wild Turkey, and tell the bartender that it's on Mike Scheckla in exchange for a vote.
So which one of your personalities' feelings am I hurting? Just let me know and I'll apologize accordingly Dread/Ida.
I'll nominate Free Throw Guy.

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