I don't hate you! Half my family are conservatives and I love them!
I just don't believe you're not a paid shill. Also, in 2018, anyone who can say they still appeciate Jill Stein is either a shill, a troll or a fucking moron.
Besides, this?
"Trump wants to upgrade our infrastructure, he's made that clear over and over, unless you live in an echo-chamber, oh wait, Portland."
Conservatives control the White House, the Senate and the House of Republicans. If he truly WANTED to upgrade infrastructure, there is absolutely nothing stopping him from making that happen. What has he actually done to upgrade infrastructure? The technical term you're looking for is "fuck all."
Hmm I'm not paid. That's like me saying protestors are paid by Soros. I mean I appreciate sentiments of Jill Stein. She interviewed Julian assange and is pro Edward snowden and against mass surveillance. Prism, nsa without a watchdog. https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/… and to the point here. If Dems are so concerned about Russia, why did they hand all the power to Trump with the 702 bill? And why were they against repealing title 2 which gave president through proxy of FCC ability to revoke broadcasting lisences?
Exactly. She's an anti-vax-curious hypocrite who sidled up to a pro-Donald Trump/virulently anti-Democratic Russian operative who cares less about the truth than about throwing the election, and she was almost certainly funded largely by Russian money.
This is why conservatives get a bad rap. It's not because of their views (for the most part...although if you're really pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ and you are still a conservative thsese days you're either a horrible person who doesn't actually believe what she thinks she believes or mindbogglingly stupid). It's because they hate liberals so much that they've conspired with the enemy, and with friends of the enemy, rather than trying to find common ground with their own fellow citizens.
You may not be a paid shill--I suspect you are, but you're not very good at it, so maybe not--but you're definitely not a good person. Or at least not a good American. (If you even are an American.)
Damn. You all are truly brainwashed. This Russian thing is a huge distraction to pull the American people together to unite against corruption. But go ahead and harp about how you love big government and mass government surveillance. Death to all whistleblowers amirite? Ever wonder why liberal cities are the most expensive to live in?
And by the way, you sound pathetic to accuse me of being paid. Grow up. I provided actual articles to back my examples of trump being for the people. Here's another article on your lovely NSA. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/1…
Why would it do this after Trump took office? Surely it has nothing to hide to an outsider party.
I don't want my email linked to my account because Portland is ironically fascist and loves doxxing conservatives. Born in America though you tinfoil hatter.
Kekistani, I have to go with Scott -- you do seem to be a paid shill like so many commenters who crap up the discussions in all of Portland's media outlets. Let's look at "DJT's" (read Koch, Mercer, Russian Mob's) approach to fixing our failing infrastructure. Roads, bridges have been crumbling since Reagan's admin. Why? The above-mentioned money launderers do not want to fix these with public money. They want the public to pay them for the fixes that they would then OWN. They want us to pay fees and tolls and subscriptions -- cash flow. And they don't want to build to code! No regulations on mob projects, please! Check out Russian infrastructure and get back to me. House the houseless -- Moscow did (if you think that packing dissidents off to the gulag = public housing). There is a grain or two of truthiness to what you write, Russian troll, but much larger truth is right behind it.
Holy shit you all actually think I'm Russian. What about fezz, meow meow, and satyricon. Is yamhill pub full of Russian spies? Actually yes it is that's our secret liar meet us there. Let's brawl there. Or at fairycon fight us there too we've infiltrated all of Oregon
"Conservatives control the White House, the Senate and the House of Republicans. If he truly WANTED to upgrade infrastructure, there is absolutely nothing stopping him from making that happen."
You, um, don't seem to understand how the government works. The system is designed to make the two sides work together and participate in compromise. When the democrats dig in their heels every chance they get, it destroys all potential for progress. They would rather see the country go down in flames than work together.
Here's the disconnect. I, like many of my peers (also thanks to pdxpanda for being sane) are new age conservatives. As in, atheist science driven conservatives. We don't like old Republicans. We have slang for them, "RINO" Trump represents in my honest opinion, an actual compromise himself between Dem and rep. I see myself also in a way, both Dem and rep. Most Democrats actually used to advocate for the things Trump stands for.
Leftists seem not to have any understanding that there is actually a new wave of politics, the lion party, or maga party.
We genuinely see cnn and msnbc lie and character shame. And we pay taxes and we see the corruption in even our local government (the Oregon health care website, how much money wasted?) We actually dive into stuff and research it to make our own informed opinions based on source documents instead of believing mainstream media headlines as though it was gospel.
All I want is to spread the kekistani message. Love to all.
There's no such thing as a new age conservatism. And you're not science-based if you agree to let human corporate activity plunder public lands for a pittance in fees and a mountain of public money in corporate subsidies. You and your wife still want curtail abortions and cut out public education as well as any program that might help the misbegotten climb out of poverty. It's not new age. It's the same as always.
You're more mixed up than a dog's dinner. The S&P500 is up 23.2% under Mr. Trump compared to up 41.1% under Mr. Obama for the same number of market days. Trump's "infrastructure" plan is just a giveaway of public accommodations to his cronies in private enterprise. Jill Stein? *snort*. I could go on, but no point in arguing with a clueless wanker.
So Democrats actually believe anyone who has a different point of view is a Russian bot. Lol. This is the definition of fascism. Cheers you disgusting perversions of "intellectualism".
And by the way Trump has been doing an incredible job despite the Demonrats.
I'm a Democrat and think Trump is merely a total fraud. However Portland has become a total echo chamber with a black and white line of militarized thinking. i find that just as disturbing as anything on the right. When the radical extremes finally have their civil war, i will either take refuge or side with whoever is winning.
Hey pal, it's not trickle down economics when the middle class gets a tax cut. Look at the article I sent you or read the god damn policy. Standard deduction doubled also. Anyone under 200k is getting a tax cut you misguided fool. Also anything 10k or higher property tax and 750k or higher mortgage can't be written off as deduction. Literally tax on the richest, who hoard property. Wake up ya naive Demonrat! I'm not actually really even that conservative. I just support our president and think the government is way too bloated. Also riddle me this, why the hell are LIBERAL cities so expensive? Look what happened to Austin tx! We ruined them!
Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Austin, NYC, all off limits to the working class. Their populations are bloated with white people who were raised by boomers in the suburbs, boomers who fled all the cities to get away from the blacks. Now they're all either living off their "baby on board trust fund" or the masters degree they got to sleep walk their way through. Now their making 6 figures at jobs any inner city kid could do if given the chance. Now that they've priced everyone out, they get to blow their big fat righteous horns from a safe safe distance. And whether you like Trump or not, That is why he won.
He won because everyone who does NOT live in those cities voted for him. Those cities now represent an economic and social divide. The Liberals are the "haves" and the Trumpsters are the "have nots" how do people not see the irony taking place these days?
Hey! All you political category mongers! You are doing just what Trump wants you to: pull each others hair out while he sells our democracy to the highest bidder, that being Putin. Almost every member of Trump's inner circle LIED ON PAPER/UNDER OATH about their contacts with Russia. He knew about Flynn lying to the FBI, asked Comey to protect him, then fired Comey for DOING HIS JOB. He owes hundreds of millions to Russian banks and oligarchs, and backslaps with autocrats and dictators while snubbing and pissing off our biggest allies.
He could obviously clear up allegations about violating emoluments laws if he released his tax returns, but let's face it, the tax returns themselves would probably get him impeached if not jailed. And in addition to being overtly racist with his words (or silence in many cases), his endorsements and appointments of the most extreme white nationalists we know - as well as his all out war on nonwhites - is having far reaching and devastating consequences across the nation and across the world.
So have fun arguing over which political identity is the coolest. Scream til you're hoarse about how horrible the last administration was. Bash each other's heads in for all I care. Not one of you in this thread seems to have the slightest clue what is happening to our country behind the scenes while you all measure dicks.
To the person who posted this and then created multiple accounts on this site to reply to their own post with...
A few things...
"Do you think the government is not corruptible?" - If you read WW, PM, The Skanner and myriad Facebook groups you would see that for the most part the people of Portland are very much aware any and ALL politicians are corruptible.
"Foreign lobbying was legal until Trump." - The issues with Trump have nothing to do with 'foreign lobbying' so your point it moot. Also, by you own admission it is still legal under Trump.
"The tax cut is giving YOU a tax cut." - In 2018 ONLY and only if you make more than $30,000. After 2018 taxes will rise on all individuals and by 2025 taxes will be higher than they are now on folks making less than $75,000.
"Stock market at all time high" - Because of how well economies in Europe and China are doing. You may want to read a bit of FT, Forbes, BI or the Economist to learn a bit more about the stock market and economics. The dollar is very weak, and foreign markets are very healthy.
"ISIS is near totally defeated in Syria after just ONE year!" - The 2nd paragraph of the story you share.. "four years after the group first seized parts of the country." FOUR years... not ONE.
And finally....
"Trump wants to upgrade our infrastructure"... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes... Yes he has said that. He has been in the public spotlight since the 1970s so we can reasonably assume that his claim means nothing and is not actually a promise of any kind. There once was a boy who cried wolf.... but instead of it ending after a few times, the boy literally just starting screaming out random animals because he figured out a small group of people believed him no matter what.
I look forward to the #sourcetrolls demanding I cite sources like they're my English Lit teacher and the internet doesn't exist.
I just don't believe you're not a paid shill. Also, in 2018, anyone who can say they still appeciate Jill Stein is either a shill, a troll or a fucking moron.
Besides, this?
"Trump wants to upgrade our infrastructure, he's made that clear over and over, unless you live in an echo-chamber, oh wait, Portland."
Conservatives control the White House, the Senate and the House of Republicans. If he truly WANTED to upgrade infrastructure, there is absolutely nothing stopping him from making that happen. What has he actually done to upgrade infrastructure? The technical term you're looking for is "fuck all."
Nice try, though, komrade. до свидания!
Exactly. She's an anti-vax-curious hypocrite who sidled up to a pro-Donald Trump/virulently anti-Democratic Russian operative who cares less about the truth than about throwing the election, and she was almost certainly funded largely by Russian money.
This is why conservatives get a bad rap. It's not because of their views (for the most part...although if you're really pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ and you are still a conservative thsese days you're either a horrible person who doesn't actually believe what she thinks she believes or mindbogglingly stupid). It's because they hate liberals so much that they've conspired with the enemy, and with friends of the enemy, rather than trying to find common ground with their own fellow citizens.
You may not be a paid shill--I suspect you are, but you're not very good at it, so maybe not--but you're definitely not a good person. Or at least not a good American. (If you even are an American.)
And by the way, you sound pathetic to accuse me of being paid. Grow up. I provided actual articles to back my examples of trump being for the people. Here's another article on your lovely NSA. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/1…
Why would it do this after Trump took office? Surely it has nothing to hide to an outsider party.
You, um, don't seem to understand how the government works. The system is designed to make the two sides work together and participate in compromise. When the democrats dig in their heels every chance they get, it destroys all potential for progress. They would rather see the country go down in flames than work together.
Leftists seem not to have any understanding that there is actually a new wave of politics, the lion party, or maga party.
We genuinely see cnn and msnbc lie and character shame. And we pay taxes and we see the corruption in even our local government (the Oregon health care website, how much money wasted?) We actually dive into stuff and research it to make our own informed opinions based on source documents instead of believing mainstream media headlines as though it was gospel.
All I want is to spread the kekistani message. Love to all.
And by the way Trump has been doing an incredible job despite the Demonrats.
He could obviously clear up allegations about violating emoluments laws if he released his tax returns, but let's face it, the tax returns themselves would probably get him impeached if not jailed. And in addition to being overtly racist with his words (or silence in many cases), his endorsements and appointments of the most extreme white nationalists we know - as well as his all out war on nonwhites - is having far reaching and devastating consequences across the nation and across the world.
So have fun arguing over which political identity is the coolest. Scream til you're hoarse about how horrible the last administration was. Bash each other's heads in for all I care. Not one of you in this thread seems to have the slightest clue what is happening to our country behind the scenes while you all measure dicks.
A few things...
"Do you think the government is not corruptible?" - If you read WW, PM, The Skanner and myriad Facebook groups you would see that for the most part the people of Portland are very much aware any and ALL politicians are corruptible.
"Foreign lobbying was legal until Trump." - The issues with Trump have nothing to do with 'foreign lobbying' so your point it moot. Also, by you own admission it is still legal under Trump.
"The tax cut is giving YOU a tax cut." - In 2018 ONLY and only if you make more than $30,000. After 2018 taxes will rise on all individuals and by 2025 taxes will be higher than they are now on folks making less than $75,000.
"Stock market at all time high" - Because of how well economies in Europe and China are doing. You may want to read a bit of FT, Forbes, BI or the Economist to learn a bit more about the stock market and economics. The dollar is very weak, and foreign markets are very healthy.
"ISIS is near totally defeated in Syria after just ONE year!" - The 2nd paragraph of the story you share.. "four years after the group first seized parts of the country." FOUR years... not ONE.
And finally....
"Trump wants to upgrade our infrastructure"... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes... Yes he has said that. He has been in the public spotlight since the 1970s so we can reasonably assume that his claim means nothing and is not actually a promise of any kind. There once was a boy who cried wolf.... but instead of it ending after a few times, the boy literally just starting screaming out random animals because he figured out a small group of people believed him no matter what.
I look forward to the #sourcetrolls demanding I cite sources like they're my English Lit teacher and the internet doesn't exist.