What is your deal? You choose to be there! It could be in class, on the bus, at a show. Then all you do is look behind you and look in the back. You have to see who might be looking at you, even though you have to know everyone is looking in that direction because that’s where eyesight is naturally aimed! Forward! Looking ahead! Do you know how distracting you are being? Do you know how weird it is, as in not “Keep Portland Weird” kind of weird but fucking weird? If you don’t want to be looked at, why do you go to the front? I remember this dude at a bar where music was happening. Music at the front. Everyone looking at the band up front. Not him. There he was, up front, standing and looking at everyone at the back. People kept saying, “What is this guy looking at??” So I watched you. Eight times within one minute, you looked back at me. What? What do you want? STOP. LOOKING. AT. ME!—Anonymous